After the section about karma (action) and a section about bhakti (devotion), we come to a section about jnana (knowledge). Please prepare yourself for receiving knowledge, ‘knowing which all the sages have attained the supreme perfection’, which will help you go home, back to Godhead.
Course Summary
Bhagavad Gita – Yoga of knowledge (Chapters 13-18). How is it possible that Krishna, after saying (9.1) to Arjuna that He will impart to him the most confidential knowledge and realization then says (14.1) that He will give Him supreme wisdom, the best of all knowledge? Is more knowledge than that given in the bhakti section (chapters 7-12) required, or is a repetition of the knowledge required? After discussing the processes of yoga in chapters 1-6 and after presenting the goal of all yoga processes or bhakti in chapters 7-12, Krishna reveals how this goal can be achieved.
Weekly Schedule
This course is made of seven weeks of teaching and two additional weeks to prepare for and take the final exam.
All assessment is done online, at a time convenient for the student.
How To Study Online
The course has a scheduled starting and ending date and it lasts 9 weeks in total. It is made of seven weeks of teaching and two additional weeks to prepare for and take the final exam.
Each week, on Monday, students get access to different sets of materials and then have that week to go through the materials and do the assignments. All the lectures are pre-recorded and put on our learning platform along with other learning materials. There are no live lectures so students don’t need to be present online at a specific time but can watch the videos and study at their convenience. Students do need to set the time aside to dedicate to the course but it can be at the time that suits them.
A convenient feature of the lectures is that they are cut into small units dealing with one specific topic. So, whenever there is some free time, a student can use it to go through the topic, then continue with other activities and think about what has been said. This system is very practical for those who have busy lifestyles but it is also proving to be helpful for just anyone, helping to better focus on the most important points from the lectures.
Bhagavad-gita 3 can be attended without any special requirements as it is a self-standing course. It is also a part of the Bhakti-sastri course made of six self-standing modules/courses. You can enrol only for Bhagavad-gita 3 or for the whole Bhakti-sastri course and get a 21% discount!
Bhakti-sastri course is always going on, with six modules being delivered one after another in one year. It is possible to enrol at any time and continue from the next scheduled module or to just study a module of choice.
By clicking the enrollment button, you will be required to create a profile on BCOC – Bhaktivedanta College Online Campus (if you don’t have one already) and then proceed with the payment.
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